Sunday, July 29, 2007

In the hospital

Here are some photos from our days in the hospital before heading home...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Big Birthday - a photo log

Phoebe's water broke at 4 am on the 14th - 2 weeks early! Mark had been operating all night but was reachable on his pager - he rushed home to help Phoebe pack and get her to the hospital.

Tish was our L&D nurse for most of the day - she was wonderful. We got through the morning using breathing techniques etc., and then got the epidural at 2 pm... that was a relief.

Mom (aka Grams or Gram) made it to the L&D room about 45 minutes before the pushing began!

Phoebe pushed for 45 minutes, using "birth breathing" from Hypnobirthing class - it was really hard work! But then, Will was born - and he was the best baby ever, with lots of dark hair and an excellent personality.

Dr. Domingo, our OB/GYN was wonderful!

Prenatal Will

Here are a few photos of Dad Mom and Will in the last stage of the pregnancy. Photos taken by Cammie Cook, friend and photographer extraordinaire.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Welcome Will!

Welcome Will! (Click on any photo to see it larger.)

This blog is for William Thomas Kraus, born 7/14/07 at 9:36 pm. 5 lb, 12.5 oz, 18 inches long.

Best baby. Ever.