Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our guy!

William went to Parents' Night Out tonight at the JCC Playcare, which was super fun, involving pizza, Disney movies, and training in "spirit fingers." And also collages (see above).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birthday breakfast

William, never the easiest of eaters, feels quite ambivalent about the Big Boy Sippy Cup. Oh well, we'll get there... eventually.

Hugs to all from Our Hero!


Monday, July 14, 2008

First birthday, first words

So it is William's first birthday! We can't believe it. Will is now crawling and cruising like a pro, balancing in a stand for a few seconds at a time, and saying "cat" and "truck" (and, apparently, "shoe.") He also makes a wide variety of animal noises, eats lots of Cheerios and crackers, and fights naps like a pro.

Happy birthday, William - we love you very much!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Messy baby

Part 1 - Yogurt

Part 2 - Strawberries

New water table - what fun!
