Thursday, January 31, 2008

William visits with Jackson the dog, Michal's unborn baby, and Michal's cleavage

Will hangs out at Edris Manor

Over the weekend, Mom and Will roadtripped to L.A. to see dear friends from mom's Grad Skool days. We visited Edris Manor, home of the brand new attraction, Juliet Maeve Scott, of whom Mom failed to take a good photo. However, many excellent photos of the adorable and charming Miss Scott can be found at:

William made himself right at home in Aunt Emily's lap, and then in Aunt Emily's favorite chair.

Pondering life in the Jumpster

What does it all mean? wonders William

Why do any of us even exist? he considers...

Oh yes! I had forgotten! It is all about JUMPING!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

William does Yogalates, with and without trousers

I believe this move is called "one legged plank pose" and is a core strengthener. William is very concerned with core strength of course.

Sadly, however, this move does NOT result in locomotion. Much to William's displeasure.

Even if you take your pants off, you still don't go forward. Darn it!!

He'll be in motion soon enough! The childproofer team comes Monday...

At the rice cereal restaurant

Hmmm... what should I order? Perhaps... some rice cereal. I wonder what is taking the waitstaff so long?

Ah, here comes my order... looks delicious!

I do love a nice bowl of rice cereal every now and again.

Good service at this restaurant - they even spoon feed me!

Mmmmm, delicious rice cereal.

Actually, to speak honestly, I don't like rice cereal all that much. Nor bananas. In fact, I am taking a small break from solid foods (the lactation consultant told Mom I am not ready), but I'll be back, and when I am... it'll be ALL ABOUT SWEET POTATOES. I hear they may serve them at this restaurant as well.

Love to you all,

Little bear

Monday, January 21, 2008

Rice cereal, take 2

Will was a bit more enthusiastic on Day 2 of the Rice Cereal Experiment.

William tries his first "solid" food (very goopy rice cereal)

Friday, January 18, 2008

William and Dodger: bonding time

First shoulder ride!!

William was not 100% sure of this plan.

Noah Bear comes over

Will's friend Noah came over last week for a playdate, looking very stylin' in chapeau and vest...

New jumpster!

Now let's see, how does this work?

Hmmm, seems kinda bouncy...


All later photos were too blurry to publish, due to extreme jumping.

Spotlight on... Uncle Toby

Uncle Toby came back from his program in Edinburgh bearing gifts for all, which were presented in dramatic fashion. Mom was very excited about her handbag and lavender soap, and William was beside himself over the play castle!

Bonding time with Toby. Will did not pee on him this time: progress.

Toby was also kind enough to bring his friend Mary Beth to the Moore family Christmas celebrations. Will was a big fan, as were all the Moores, and not just because she gave such lovely gifts.

We miss you, Uncle Toby and Mary Beth!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In the Belmont kitchen with Mom and Gram

We re-did Christmas a few days later at the Moore home... William was forced to wear his holiday outfit once again. He was a little tired, but that was from staying up late watching the Patriots game, so really, it was his own fault.

Bonding with Aunt Elizabeth

Mmmm, delicious Aunt Elizabeth!

A nice, quiet wind-down before bed with Dad.

A Christmas snooze on Dad...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More Christmas photos - Kraus family portraits

Grandma and cousin Madison...

The womenfolk, plus Grandpa and William!